Case Study

We are pleased to place in your hands this sustainability report, in which we review the measures taken by the company to integrate sustainability into its strategy and business and the most prominent challenges.

Memprolgy occupies a leading position locally as it is the first Saudi company to provide innovative environmental services for membrane technology used in salt water and wastewater applications in order to reduce solid waste and carbon emissi

The study name is Lorem Ipsum

Study Field Lorem Ipsum

Oil fuel

Ibn Al-Haytham Street, Dhahran Valley Building

Memprolgy occupies a leading position locally as it is the first Saudi company to provide innovative environmental services for membrane technology used in salt water and wastewater applications in order to reduce solid waste and carbon emissi

The study name is Lorem Ipsum

Study Field Lorem Ipsum

Oil fuel

Ibn Al-Haytham Street, Dhahran Valley Building

Memprolgy occupies a leading position locally as it is the first Saudi company to provide innovative environmental services for membrane technology used in salt water and wastewater applications in order to reduce solid waste and carbon emissi

The study name is Lorem Ipsum

Study Field Lorem Ipsum

Oil fuel

Ibn Al-Haytham Street, Dhahran Valley Building